Why it's important to be consistent on Social Media

Social Media is a marathon not a sprint. Just like training for a marathon takes time, effort and a solid strategy, social media does too. At the top of that strategy in BIG BOLD letters is the word: CONSISTENCY.

Here are my 3 reasons why it’s important to be consistent on social media:

1. Visibility
Let your audience know you’re at the other end of your content, doing your thing. Being seen and posting consistent content helps to build a trustworthy and reliable brand, as well as giving you a medium through which you can engage and talk to your audience.

Don’t fall into the trap of not tending to your social media channels (ahem, like I did). It seems such a tiny thing not to post regularly but the negatives are far reaching. By posting regularly, it demonstrates to your audience that you are still there and available to help them, when they need you.

2. Speak to the ghosts
Not everyone will like, comment, or engage with your posts. It’s an unknown and often not recognised fact of social media. However, that doesn’t mean that they are not reading or watching your posts, taking in information. They’re actually devoted fans. Insights, statistics and reports will give you some data as to how a post performs- but it will never tell you how many people it’s really reached.

I’m such a ghost when it comes to social media. You’ll find me lurking in the digital shadows, looking at accounts, reading posts but not always commenting or throwing a like. Why? That’s just how I roll. By being consistent with your content ensures that people like me, the ones that don’t engage but know that you are there (also known as Ghost followers), can continue to read and absorb your content.

People talk of gaining a new client out of nowhere. In reality, the client hasn’t appeared out of nowhere, as they have always been reading and watching content, albeit in ghost mode. Just remember, even if your content is not getting the recorded engagement you would like, you might find more people are looking at it than you think. It’s one of those classic ‘you don’t know who is watching’ moments!

Think of social media as a marathon. It’s long, it’s hard, but well worth the effort.
(Fun fact- I’ve completed two back-to-back marathons in the desert. Yes, it was hot. Very HOT.)
Photo by Silas Baisch on Unsplash

3. Clarity

Being consistent on social media enables you to become clear in your offering and what you do. Every time you post, you must sit down and figure out what you are going to say, how and why. This simple process will help you make sure you stick to your strategy (what do I want to achieve?), why (is this of use to my audience?) and how (what tone, voice or visuals do I use for this post that are on brand?). I’m not going to sugar coat it. Consistent is uncomfortable and takes some getting used to, but I’ll guarantee it will help you move forward.



Social Media can be confusing, especially with the internet full of conflicting information and everyone you know is a social media guru. Even your personal trainer is a social media influencer on the side. 

I would like to offer my help to help you figure out how to be consistent. Drop me an email, scribble a comment or if in ghost mode, send me some vibes and let’s chat through your questions about social media and how you can become visible by being consistent.


Becky Benfield-Humberstone