I’m guilty of the crime that everyone commits...

Social Media Channels stuck in marble
(Photo by Denise Duplinski from Pexels)

Neglect, borderline abandonment….of my social media channels.

We’ve all been there. Not posting for two days, that turns into two weeks, then two months and before you know it a whole year has passed without the uttering of a single syllable. Just silence. And a feed that looks like your account is permanently stuck in 2020 (and no-one wants to be stuck in that year. <shudders>).

It’s such an easy thing to overlook, to not prioritize, especially when you’re busy. I fell into this trap (as I’m sure you have too), of not looking after my own accounts but making sure my client’s platforms were kept up to date, pruned and polished to perfection.

To not let the world that you’re still alive and kicking, is such a little thing but the ramifications are far reaching, especially in a day and age where we are judged online. People look at your social media channels and ask: Are they any good? What do they actually do? Do I believe in what they’re saying? These are all valid questions, with good intentions behind them. With so much business conducted online, people must verify and form an opinion of a brand by piecing together the words, images, and content they encounter in the digital space. If some of these pieces are missing or incomplete, then this is where it all goes wrong. Like a puzzle with missing pieces, we all know how frustrating it is to not to have all the answers. If they can’t find the answers they seek, they move onto a brand or business that can provide answers (and one with up to-date social media channels).

So, I’m taking my own advice and a teaspoon of the wisdom I share with all my clients (and ironically is at the core of my services). You must share your story to find those you can help, and to do that you have to be visible and consistent. It’s a marathon not a sprint.

I’m well and truly alive and kicking, and the best way to approach a situation like this (the unintentional social media silence) is to go back to the beginning and start again. Like a blank slate, it’s a fresh page in your business journey.


So, without further ado, let me re-introduce myself. I’m Becky (waves!), and I’m a brand copywriter and brand social media manager, which in simple terms, means I write words. Words that capture your brand- who you are, what you do, why, where, and how- and transforms that into copy and content that connects to your audience.

The remedy for my ‘crime’ is making a commitment to my social media channels, treating myself as a client (top tip: pencil yourself into your task list as a client) and being visible (hello!). Over the upcoming weeks I’ll be sharing with you tips and tricks of how you can do the same and how you can be visible on social media, on your terms, that enables you to connect with your ideal audience that want to join you on your business adventure.

Are you ready to embrace being visible like me? Let’s go!